Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Today’s blog will be very beneficial to students who like to save money. Montgomery College offers Z-courses each semester. Z-courses are classes that do not require students to purchase a textbook. The textbook will be provided for free online.
My experience with Z-courses has been wonderful. Not having to spend money on textbooks is considered a win.
For example, I’m a business major and I have to take a psychology course to fulfill one of my general education requirements. Normally, I’d purchase textbooks for my business class, then purchase textbooks for my gen Ed’s. But because of Z-courses, I no longer have to make that decision.
Many students have a story of how a Z-course has helped them. Currently, I’m taking MUSC-110 and this is the first semester it’s being offered as a Z-course. Could you say perfect timing?
Unfortunately, Z-courses are not offered for every class. There are some classes where the book will be necessary or the work must be done online with a site like Wileyplus, MathxL, MyeconLab, etc. But, (a very strong but) Montgomery College is working to offer as many Z-courses as possible. You can find Z-sections of many courses on campus, online, or blended, just like all MC courses.
MC also offers a Z-degree. I know, what’s a Z-degree? Well if Z-courses are classes offered without the need of purchasing a textbook, then a Z-degree is a commitment by Montgomery College to offer sections of courses needed to complete your degree without any required textbook purchases.
Montgomery College offers a General Studies Z-degree. The mission behind the General Studies Program is to provide a flexible degree path that promotes structured, intentionally sequenced decision-making and encourages self-exploration and discovery.
The Z-course can be very beneficial to you in one way or another. And the Z-degree can be beneficial to those who are seeking a General Studies degree.
Visit the website for more information.
~Till Next Time
I believe I took a course once that was both. However, I think most had to buy the homework part or something. Thanks for educating us….me….on what a Z course is. I know college books are expensive and a big business. I wonder how book companies are recouping these costs? Does the college have to pay for a license or something?
Thank you for this blog. I have always wondered what it meant when some of the classes had z-course attached to them.
Having a Z course is nice especially since college itself is already expensive! But I definitely never heard of a Z-degree !! That’s pretty cool!
Can I access the z-course class during my free time? Or the meeting time will be provided by the teacher?