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As spring break approaches, so do exams! Here are some slightly odd study tips that will hopefully help you to do your best on your tests; Good luck! 🙂

Hello! My name is Bethany. This is my second year at Montgomery College. I am a member of the Macklin Business Institute, the honors business program at MC. I am so fortunate to have found this incredible program, and the family of amazing people along with it - I don’t know what I would do without them!

You can oftentimes find me in the MBI Café, the student-run Starbucks next to the cafeteria. Although I only work there once a week, I stop by to help barista whenever I’m stressed out. Creating the beautiful brown-to-white ombré of an iced caramel macchiato, or drizzling caramel atop the perfect swirl of whipped cream on a Frappuccino, never fails to cheer me up. Order an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle and there’s a good chance you’ll make my day.

I am majoring in business, but I have always had a passion for learning new languages. I first studied six years of Spanish, followed by two years of American Sign Language. I hope to continue learning both when I transfer next fall.

In my free time, I love to bake, play guitar, and hang out with friends. I easily prioritize baking above sleeping, which means if I’m up studying until midnight, I’ll be baking until 3am. We can sleep when we’re dead, right? (As a side note, bringing cupcakes to class is a great way to make friends in college!)

If MC has taught me anything, it’s that life is too short to not give everything your all. As one of my favorite professors always says, “live intentionally.” I am excited to share my journey through MC with all of you. Thanks for watching and have a great day!

Comments (7)

  1. I really liked the skittles idea! I’m definitely going to try that out! These are really unique ways to study and it’s really fun watching different ways to study for exams or quizzes lol!

  2. Hi Bethany, how on earth did you come up with the upside down method? Reading that way in itself deserves an A 🙂

    Some of your ideas are very similar to a seminar I recently attended on improving memory skills. It was aimed at a ‘senior’ crowd, but coming up with a funny phrase (like your N-E-S-W example) was one method that was discussed. As we all learn differently, we have to find out which methods work best for us. But, I think it’s important to have this arsenal in your back pocket because we all have those days where information isn’t flowing easily. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Haha, I saw the upside down reading somewhere on the internet awhile back. It looks crazy but it actually seems to work!

      I also find it funny that the funny phrases was aimed at a ‘senior’ crowd!

  3. I used to do the funny phrases when I was in Primary school and I love the candy motivation idea! I am definitely trying that out. Thanks. Have a fun spring break!

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