Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Current Mood: Quick Musical Doodles by Two Feet
Wow, so this is my third semester blogging for you guys. And sadly, this will be last. But moving forward, I have so much in store for you. This semester I finally have courses on each of our three campuses (which is bitter-sweet) and I will eventually show you where my favorite spots to study and hang out with friends are. Later this month, I am participating attending a Black, Brown & College Bound conference which I am proud to be participating in. And as Spring Break approaches I am planning to apply for the Alternative Spring break trip. So it looks like I have a handful in store for you. I say all of this, because I am beyond excited to share these things and the many other opportunities the college has and offers. So read on….
As always, have a great weekend and spread some positivity.
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