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Current Mood: Quick Musical Doodles by Two Feet


Wow, so this is my third semester blogging for you guys. And sadly, this will be last. But moving forward, I have so much in store for you. This semester I finally have courses on each of our three campuses (which is bitter-sweet) and I will eventually show you where my favorite spots to study and hang out with friends are. Later this month, I am participating attending a Black, Brown & College Bound conference which I am proud to be participating in. And as Spring Break approaches I am planning to apply for the Alternative Spring break trip. So it looks like I have a handful in store for you.  I say all of this, because I am beyond excited to share these things and the many other opportunities the college has and offers. So read on….


As always, have a great weekend and spread some positivity.






"The Glass Castle" taught me about enjoying simplicity and the true value of objects. "The Great Gatsby" shed light on money, success, greed, and friendship. And "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" conveyed the morbidity of how inevitable fate is.
My name is KeAndre Blue, but Blue is my preferred name. I adore books and I am from Bristol, England. I have been living in the United States for seven years. I have had the blessing to travel a lot during my younger years of childhood which has open my mind to different cultures, environments, and how truly magnificent the world is.
My siblings are my pride and joy. And my pet, Kohta, who's restlessness makes my day. I consider myself a free spirit who thrives on spontaneity and conquers adversity. In my down time I am either reading a book or writing poetry. But when the weekend comes, I am out with friends attending a concert, camping, taking random road trips, or occasionally visiting the museum.
I have a strong relationship with pizza, and will spend more money on food than on clothes without a second thought. I enjoy yoga and running and my music interests are mainly deep house, indie, and jazz. My main goal in life is to gain more than five hours of sleep see if I can survive on pizza alone.
I am currently pursuing my associates degree in Communication Studies and will hopefully graduate in the fall of 2017.
With all of that being said, I hope you guys enjoy my posts. And if you see me on campus say “Hello”, I would love to meet you all.

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