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“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Remember when you were a kid and everybody wanted to know what you want to become? You had so much imagination and pretended to be different things. And now, you’ve reached the age where you’re making tough decisions and your dreams are being realized or maybe even rearranged. Being in college feels like you’re finally boarding the plane toward your dreams.  Some people get what they always wanted. Others, they’re not even sure if their destination is where they want to be anymore. But you’ve gotta land SOMEWHERE. Anywhere. Thankfully, everyday is different even when we do the same exact things.

We want to learn and do things because we want to change something our life, someone else’s, or certain circumstances. We see a need and we want to meet that need. I think that there is something in each person that wants to make a difference.  We meet people who “want to change the world”.

Being a college student  can sometimes put us in an awkward place because we think we’re not quite there yet. We think we can’t make any impact in someone’s life because we’re not living our dreams yet. Or that our dream jobs seem so far away and impossible and we’re not stable enough to be able to even take care of ourselves. That may be true. But that doesn’t make us any less capable of doing something good to make our (and other’s) lives better. We can make time for those we care about. We can be a good example to our friends, kids, siblings, or even strangers. The one thing we can’t do is disqualify ourselves because we don’t have it together.

Young people are powerful. We just have to tap into our gifts and talents and who we are to be able to make our mark on this world.

Make a ripple effect using your life to inspire others; no matter where you are in life. You will always find people who need your help and someone who will find strength in your story. Work hard and do your best in everything you do. College gives us this special opportunity to not only grow as an individual but also in the society we are a part of.

My name is Ray Ann. I grew up wanting to be a lot of things. Being a lot older now, I realize you never really grow out of those dreams.

I’m 23 years old, barely 5 ft. tall and often mistaken as a high school student. But you know what they say — good things come in small packages. Despite me being a little vertically challenged, I’m a huge basketball fan. I love fast cars and fast…food. I love the color pink and my friends’ sense of humor. I aspire to be the realistic half of my favorite female fiction characters: to be bold and fearless like Nikita, witty, intelligent and fashionable like Blair Waldorf and sweet and sassy like Cher Horowitz.

Being a blogger means a lot of things. We write about anything and everything, including our own lives. We can choose to be private or be an open book. But I hope to share only meaningful and helpful things to anyone who reads my blogs. Montgomery College will always be a big part of my life as it gave me an opportunity to find myself and discover the things I love and gave me all the more reason to be myself.

Let’s believe in each other. 

Comments (2)

  1. I like your post Ray Ann; you are a young lady beyond your years. Truth is, most of us end up in a profession we did not major in, but often it seems to circle back to what we probably should have in the first place. Happily, my kids knew the major they wanted and stayed the course 4 years, but one) often that is not the case and two) often the major of the college degree is meaningless (as well as the university name) once that first job is landed. College proves who you are – someone who can tough it out and handle pressure. That in itself bodes well for most careers. Not having a degree or not knowing what you really want does not mean you cannot set good examples and inspire others along the way. Having honesty, integrity, and class (no not the math kind!) are certain to sustain you and inspire others to follow your example.

    1. Thank you, Jane. I really like what you said. I think people just want to do something that’s fulfilling to them, no matter how absurd or contradictory they are to what others believe they should do. I know people who quit a good job to do something that makes them happier. But then again, everyone has their own definition of “happy”.

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