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MC Voices

Hey survivors,

How are we doing? Its that time of the year again, its turkey season YAAAAAY. So I came across this post that really got me laughing. Basically a turkey had a bullet at its waist and the caption was “y’all are not having me for dinner this year.” It really got me thinking about how when we hear Thanksgiving we think of turkey, and all the food. I feel like most of us think of everything else but the act of giving thanks.

Thanksgiving is around the corner and in the midst of all the food, family moments, festivities, and traditional engagements, its easy for us to forget the most important thing, being THANKFUL. I think we tend to forget what Thanksgiving is all about though it is in the name (Thanksgiving in essence is giving thanks.)

This Thanksgiving, lets not just dive into the festivities, or be so excited about the break that we forget to be thankful. I know for students like me who have exams immediately after Thanksgiving break it might be hard to find something to be thankful for, but you might just be thankful that the semester is almost over. If not for anything else be thankful for the gift of life, I am very thankful for my family, for the opportunities MC has given me and honestly that this semester is almost over.



Hi, my name is Kandi and I am a third semester nursing student. I am happy and excited to be a part of MC voices to not only Mc as a whole but to nursing students, foreign students without immediate family in the United States, African students, and new students. Why because that’s what makes me, I am all of that and much more.

I am a Cameroonian who has lived in the United States for almost 5years. I am a Christian and a believer in Christ and also a very optimistic person. I make and share a lot of encouraging/inspirational/motivational Videos and post on Instagram @uniquelykandi.

If you are new to MC welcome,
If you are new to the nursing program, welcome,
If you new to the United States, welcome.

I believe we will have a lot of fun sharing and learning from each other.
Philippians 4:4

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