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Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and it’s about time that we start figuring out what we are thankful for. In today’s video, I will be discussing what I am thankful for. There are so many things that I could mention I am thankful for, but that would be a long list. I tried to make it short so that I don’t ramble too much. I discussed the most important things I am thankful for which includes family, friends, food, a roof to live under, and many more.

There are many things to be thankful for especially the little things in life. I am here to spread joy and faith, I hope you all can get in the spirit of the holidays that are coming up. Thank you so much and have a blessed day!

Hi, my name is Kaila-Marie. I am a business major and I love filming, especially when I am traveling. I am enthusiastic about traveling, going on new adventures and exploring. I enjoy being able to capture the moment while visiting a new place; it is amazing. I enjoy many sports, such as skiing, surfing, soccer, volleyball and lacrosse. My favorite sport would be skiing because it only happens once every year here in Maryland. I take advantage of our winters especially since it is short. I am very interested to play volleyball again; however, I could never find places to go except the courts by my house (which are usually occupied).

I am a very passionate person, always willing to give people 100% of my time whether it's school, work, or friendships. Being able to support others has been my nature. I enjoy giving back to the people who have been with me through my long journey of growing up. I hope my vlogs can entertain you and make you realize that community college is a great choice and that you can meet wonderful people.

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