Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Campus Shot
Isn’t it crazy how almost yesterday it was the first day of class and us upperclassman could see incoming Freshman getting ready for their first year of college? Now we’re more than halfway through the semester and our studies are coming to an end. With classes wrapping up it’s almost time for those dreaded final exams!
With finals right around the corner ’tis the season to find a great study area and buckle down into some great spots!
Here’s some secret and not so secret locations to ensure you have a great study session! (Btw, these are on the Rockville campus!)
Macklin Tower:
On the first floor of Macklin Tower, students are able to join study sessions and openly talk with friends! If you need a more designated space to work, students can also go to the front desk and with a valid ID request a study room. Disclaimer: Students must have at least two others with them to request a private room.
Located on the second and third floors you will find a space dedicated to individual and quiet study. Unlike the first floor where you may be able to talk with friends and have open discussions, this space is purely dedicated to quiet study! This can be perfect for getting work done, cramming for a pop-quiz and even taking a quick nap!!
Technical Center:
For Design Students you may already know of the small seats and computer spaces to complete design homework and have a quiet space to paint. For those who are NOT designing majors or DO NOT have classes in the Technical Center, please be wary of using the computer lab and resources. Some resources may be off-limit and unavailable to students.
Theatre Arts:
For those who may not have classes in the Theatre Arts building, this may be a great opportunity to check it out! They have awesome couches on the ground floor to be able to study or maybe lounge out on. Be careful to not go during student “rush hours” because there may be limited seats!
Science Center:
The Science Center may be a great area to sit and study with friends! With thousands of students flowing in and out of the building it may not be the quietest but there’s often an abundance of seats and cool couches to lounge out! Also if you’re looking to print out a study guide or scan your friend’s note there’s an additional lounge with extra seats and an Ink Printer!
I hope these study spots fuel your determination and you guys have a successful end to the semester! See you next week for another blog post!
Kayla, There are a lot of great places to study on campus, and studying on campus allows you to have easier access to your professors, tutors, and other college resources.