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First and foremost, I would like to say congratulations to those who will be graduating, transferring, or pursuing their passion this semester. As this is my last post of the semester I would like to make it sweet and short. I hope you continue to pursue your dreams, and fight on when it gets tough, and remember the good times when faced with bad ones. The journey is never easy, but is always worth it. That goes for those who still have some time at MC. Graduating isn’t a race; as long as you’re making progress, keep your head up. I don’t believe in comparing oneself to another. So finish strong this semester, pass those finals, and get ready for spring. Show off some RAPTOR PRIDE. (I hope you got the picture)

Till next time

– Bob 


Hello, I am Bob Ndubuisi Okoroajuzie. Honestly speaking, Christ is the center of my life or at least I try to make him the center. If it doesn’t relate to Christ, it doesn’t relate to me. I became more fond of him through the reading of his word, the same way you’ll become more fond of me through my blogs. Some are surprised when I tell them things like this, or even comment saying, “Oh you’re one of those”. I sometimes laugh because this is my mindset, but I still have a good time. I know when to be serious and when to relax, so the key component in my life is balance. Loving, honesty, and amusing make up Bob. 

I am currently majoring in Business at Montgomery College. My end goal is to graduate from UMD College Park Business school and attend law school (corporate law). I'm passionate about mentoring students and being mentored. Being mentored at a young age has truly helped shape me as a young man. Truly, being a student blogger is an honor. Sharing my experience at MC and providing information will benefit current and future students at Montgomery College. 

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

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