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Witness me actually being a scholar and working in the real world. Being a student and an employer can really take up a lot of my time. I wanted to give you a real routine of what my Tuesdays and Thursdays look like. I also give tips on what helps me to motivate myself to finish my homework one I get home from both school and work.


Enjoy!!!!! – Kaila-Marie

Hi, my name is Kaila-Marie. I am a business major and I love filming, especially when I am traveling. I am enthusiastic about traveling, going on new adventures and exploring. I enjoy being able to capture the moment while visiting a new place; it is amazing. I enjoy many sports, such as skiing, surfing, soccer, volleyball and lacrosse. My favorite sport would be skiing because it only happens once every year here in Maryland. I take advantage of our winters especially since it is short. I am very interested to play volleyball again; however, I could never find places to go except the courts by my house (which are usually occupied).

I am a very passionate person, always willing to give people 100% of my time whether it's school, work, or friendships. Being able to support others has been my nature. I enjoy giving back to the people who have been with me through my long journey of growing up. I hope my vlogs can entertain you and make you realize that community college is a great choice and that you can meet wonderful people.

Comments (2)

  1. Applause! Kaila, what a very full day, and you do it with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. In fact, I am impressed at how many bloggers work a full day and go to class before and do homework after. Gee, one day when you just have to work, what will you do! Well, you are going to be a great accountant! You also have great organizational skills which will serve you well. Being disorganized leads to so much failure on the part of students. Keep going; I know you are going to graduate!

    1. Agreed! I didn’t realize how many bloggers/vloggers are full day workers and balance school so well! When I only have just work my schedule feels so out of place because I’m so used to having the routine of going to school, work, then do homework. Thank you so much for the wonderful support!

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