Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Hindi words of the week:
नक्शा Naksha (nuk-shh) – map
आराम Aaram (aah-rom) – ease
Hey everyone it’s nearing the end of the semester! Are you ready? I know I am haha. I’m burnt out you guys. My attention and focus are slipping during my days at college because I’m not taking any breaks.
It’s important to take breaks to relax once in a while so I wanted to let you guys know some of my favorite spots on campus for a quiet breather. You can find a map of the Rockville campus here.
- The outside atrium behind the Humanities Building. The terraced steps make it so easy to sit and relax and not too many people pass through so it stays relatively quiet.
- There’s a grassy nook behind parking lot 6 that’s kind of perfect for a midday nap on the grass.
- Any place in the library or cafeteria is perfect for people-watching and chilling.
- There’s a hill next to the Welcome Center that’s nice and peaceful and offers the opportunity to look out at most of the campus.
- Any of the seating areas in the Science Center or the Ackerman STEM Learning Center.
Relaxing is important, have to make sure to give yourself that mental break.