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MC Voices

One of the great things about our college is the classes we are offered here :). Honestly. I haven’t taken an English class in ages but I love to read and write. I literally will read a book I’m hooked on while I’m walking around.

Anywho, one of the things we did recently in our English class was to take a look at advertisements and analyze who they were marketed to and also how. It was a long assignment and lets be real, no one likes homework, but it made me take a look at the ads I see in everyday life in a different way.

I think this is the actual beauty of classes. They teach you perspective. In case you were wondering the English class I’m taking is Engl102 with professor Stanley Niamitali. Also, no Hindi words of the week this week since I am writing about an English class haha. You can check out other classes offered in the MC English department here.

hello everyone, you can get to know me a bit better via this link:
i'd love to hear any opinions you may have! =]

Comments (1)

  1. English classes and the Professors who teach them always try to find way to keep the assignments interesting.

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