Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Inspirational quote of the day: Your goals demand your loyalty. The manifestation of your dreams is totally dependent on your commitment.
(Quote provided by Eternal Sunshine- meditation app)
For many of you that read my last blog post about how to survive the midterms then you definitely know about the aftermath of midterm season.
I’m talking about the spew of books, messy rooms, and the look of sleep deprivation permanently glued to your face. No? Only me? For many of you, you are accustomed to the side effects of taking rigorous classes or even just navigating your every day lives.
If you’re feeling stressed every time you step into your workspace/room it may be time for a change! Try cleaning up your space so your mind can function a bit better. That means throwing away candy rappers, empty energy drinks and cleaning up eraser marks that were left behind.
If you’ve been wearing the same outfit for the last three days it maybe also be time to take a shower, brush your teeth and reset for the day. Washing off the grime and effort from studying will make you feel so much better! It also helps those around you from having to smell your study funk!
For a final suggestion, try stepping away from your work. Use this opportunity as a chance to get some fresh air, a healthy snack or even take a small nap! Your body will thank you for moving around and allowing some fresh air in.
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