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Fresh Tomatoes

Did you know that MC has a Food and Nutrition Program? Their motto is “fuel for success,” and that is just what they provide!

Each campus has food pantries. These food pantries are stocked with “snacks, food, and household items,” according to the MC website.  At Germantown it is located in the HT building near HT300, and the Rockville one is located at Macklin tower 212. Meanwhile the Takoma Park campus has two pantries— one is located at Commons 110, and the other at Pavilion 4.

The program also offers a mobile market each month during the school year. At the mobile markets, the food is at a first come first serve basis. Once you get there, you do not have to give anyone proof that you need the food—it is free to everyone. So you just bring a bag and get some delicious and nutritious food!

For the spring semester schedule click here.

MC is not the only place in Montgomery County where you can go for the nutritious food that you need. MC partners with MANNA Food, First Baptist Church of Silver Spring—and many others— where students can go to get their “fuel for success.”

If you or someone you knows struggles to get food, please check out the Food and Nutrition Program at MC. Everyone at MC wants you to succeed and having the right food and nutrition is  key.

I am a 19-year-old lifelong resident of Damascus, Maryland. I am in my 3rd semester as a part-time student at MC. I plan on getting my Associates Degree in the next couple of years and then transferring to the University of Maryland at the Universities at Shady Grove (health permitting).

MC has been my academic home for the past year and I could not be happier. I started off my collegiate experience at Salisbury University in the fall of 2015, but due to my Chronic Lyme Disease, I was forced to drop out. I thought my academic life was over, as I was too ill to handle a full course-load, but that is when I discovered the part-time option at MC. MC gave the choice to take as many, or as few classes as I wanted, and because of this, I am now back on track to getting my degree. MC also offered me disability support services to further assist me in accomplishing my dreams.

I hope that this blog can help other students like me to see that even though they may not be taking the “traditional” route towards higher education, MC offers load of opportunities that will get us where we want to go. Whether you aren’t sure where you want to end up in life, or have another obstacle, like a chronic illness or disability, you can still reach for the stars and accomplish anything they want to here at MC. 

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