Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Now that I have given you the steps you need to get accommodations from Disability Support Services, I thought I would give you some tips on how to properly use another campus gem: the assessment center. One of my accommodations provides me with a little extra time on tests. Because of this, I take my tests in the assessment center. There is an assessment center on each campus: room 014 in the CC building at the Rockville Campus, room 323B in the ST building at the Takoma park campus, and finally, the one I have used, room 132 in the SA building at the Germantown campus. Here are some things to know about using the assessment center:
- You’ll want to scope out the center before your first test.
I did not follow this step, and I got very lost. When it was time for my first test using the assessment center, I confidently walked right up to the disability support services room, only to have them stare at me like a deer in headlights. It never occurred to me that the DSS area was separate from the assessment center. Luckily for me, the assessment center was right downstairs and there was a big sign saying “Assessment Center” just in case I was still lost.
- Remind your professor about the accommodation. A Lot.
A week or two before my exam, I remind my professors that I have the accommodation for double time, so they know to send me to the assessment center for the exam. However, you may need to remind your professors a few times before the test. After all, they have lot of students to keep track of. You do not want to miss an exam or not have the materials you need to get started. So please remind your professors.
- Do not be alarmed when they tell you to lock up your stuff.
The only things you can bring into the assessment center are a pencil, and a calculator, if it is required. Once you sign in, they will take your MC ID, and give you a key to one of the lockers in the hall. They will have you put everything away (they even made me take off my fitbit – boo for missed steps!). After you complete your test, you can retrieve your belongings from the locker and be on your way.
I hope these tips help you successfully navigate the assessment centers here at MC!
For more information on the Assessment centers check out this link-
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