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MC Voices

Inspirational quote of the day: “Be exact with what you want and ask for, visualize yourself in possession of it, and know without a doubt that it is already yours! (Quote received from: Eternal Sunshine, meditation app)

Okay students, so by now you’ve either been steadily preparing for Midterms or they snuck up and hit you right in the face. Whether you’re unhappy with midterm season or easily prepared for the hefty exams, everyone deserves an opportunity to do their best! Read on for some tips on how to survive midterms and not even break a sweat while doing it! *

* This is a lie, results may vary and participants may likely break a sweat while preparing for midterms.

Tip #1: Don’t “Cram” or “Binge”

I don’t know how many of you need to hear this but binging on information or trying to cram the night before or right before a test is not the key to studying efficiently. While it may work on occasion, a student should not solely depend on cramming as a prime tool. Give yourself at least one week to break down the information and store it for the test. Your brain will thank you!

Tip #2: Review Before Bed

Reviewing before bed has saved me many times, when I feel uneasy and unsure if I’ll pass my exams. 15 minutes before bed try to lightly read over the topics that still make you feel uneasy and break them down further. It’s important that you go to sleep directly after reading to make sure you’re not drowning out the information with TV, music, or late night drama. By reading right before bed, it’ll be easier for your brain to retain the information and store it for later use!

Tip #3: Color Code

Color coding information and breaking down large topics into smaller subsections really shows you what areas you need work on and which areas you don’t struggle in. Trying to obtain large chunks of information can lead to feelings of frustration, hopelessness and overall can make you feel like you can’t tackle exams. But you can!! Every student has the ability, just make sure you color code those index cards. 😉

Tip #4: Get Some REST

If you don’t do any of these tips, make sure you at LEAST do this one. Getting quality sleep before a test is beyond important and necessary for the big day! If you’re running off two hours sleep and the largest option of coffee from Starbucks, then it’s not going to help you with your test but harm you. Make sure you’re getting at least six hours of sleep before a big exam and that you eat a nice breakfast, lunch or dinner for some energy boosting during the test!

I hope all of these tips were helpful! Stay tuned until next week for another blog post from me!

Hey there! I promise finding this author’s note and stumbling across my blog page is no accident. My goal at the end of the day is to hopefully get you laughing, encouraged, or ready to make a change in your life. Now back to basics. My name is Kayla Savoy and this is my second year here at Montgomery College. Although I transfered from a different Community college halfway through my first year, I decided to make the switch and study Interior Design here on the Rockville campus! My goal after graduating is to transfer to Marymount University where I will continue my path to becoming an Interior Designer!

In my spare time you might catch me walking along campus helping other students as part of my job as a Peer Navigator or hiding out in Macklin Tower playing the Sims 4! Although Interior Design is my passion for my ocupation, I have found comfort in designing stickers and writing on my own personal blog ‘Accidentally Fluffy.’

Hobbies aside, I know what it’s like to be a college student and see each phase and go through every struggle. I understand the late nights, the “I haven’t eaten in four days”, I even understand the procrastination and overwhelming desire to give up when classes get hard. I hope you view this blog as a safe haven and a place where you can get a quick laugh and not feel judged. I hope you feel empowered enough at the end of each post to search for the opportunities offered here at MC as well!

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