Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

“Let us read and let us dance – two amusements that will never do any harm to the world.” –Voltaire
Dancing is one of the things in this world that is timeless and beautiful and is highly-esteemed everywhere around the globe.
Not many people may be aware of this but Montgomery College has its own dance program which includes a Spring Dance Concert and an informal dance showcase for all students taking any dance class at the college. These are all happening later on this semester.About two years ago when I attended my first MC Spring Dance Concert, I was amazed by how well the overall performance was (that was the first dance concert I had ever been to)! Not only was the program excellent, the whole thing is choreographed by the college’s Dance faculty and other local choreographers!
If you or anyone you know is interested, the dates for the Spring Concert are April 28 and 29 at 8:00 p.m. and April 30 at 2:00 p.m.
For more information regarding the Spring Concert, please visit:
I met one of my very best friends in Modern Dance I at Montgomery College. We both enjoyed the class (although the informal showcase did catch us by surprise!). Two years later, I decided to take Modern Dance II as one of my HACL Core classes. Yes, that means you’ll see me on stage for the Informal on Thursday May 4 at 7:30 p.m. !!
I am not a dancer by definition but dancing is one of the things in Arts that I really love. I want to encourage everyone to do (or support) anything artistically related. MC’s Dance program is one way you can show your support. Let us embrace the novelty and community that Art brings because through them, we find beautiful things we never thought were possible.
Ray Ann, thanks for pointing out the dance concerts coming soon around campus. I saw a performance years ago and the students did a fantastic job. I noted the dates, but I didn’t catch the campuses for both the concert and your performance. Are they all on the Rockville campus or are some in Takoma Park too?
Also, some students, as you say (I bet many students) are not aware of MC’s dance program. It’s a great way to earn credits, get exercise and provide self expression as well as balance something creative along with the heaviness of academic classes that require hours on end sitting.