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Learning New Skills

The Spring 2020 semester at Montgomery College is all about learning new skills (i.e., stepping out of my comfort zone) while continuing to practice my drawing skills (i.e., feeling good in my comfort zone) and keeping up with my painting…

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Clean Out

Hindi words of the week: किताब Kitab (kih-tha-ab) - book मज़ा Maza (muh-zaa) - fun Hey raptors its the end of the semester and the time of year when we also need to start cleaning out old textbooks and such…

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Hindi Words of the Week: बाज़ार Bazaar (baa-zarr) - market खाना Khana (kha-naa) - food I've talked about it before but it really is difficult to be healthy during the school semester. Can't seem to work enough hours or study…

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Meditation has Benefits

We’re learning how to meditate in the Wednesday Yoga class. Meditation involves focusing attention on one thing, such as breath, a sound or an image. It is done while sitting or lying quietly and is accessible to everyone. Meditation consists…

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