Let’s Be Honest
Let's be honest, you don't know anything about me except what I post about Montgomery College. But, do you really know how I feel about Montgomery College? In this video you're going to hear my experience, what I think about…
Puppy Playtime
Hindi words of the week: परीक्षा Pareeksha (puh-ree-ksh-aah) - exam पिल्ला Pilla (pi-ll-aa) - puppy I love dogs. Simple as that. I love them and so do many of you guys. My pet dogs are my best friends, they're loyal…
Workshop to Success
Did you know MC offers workshops? Yup! Throughout the year, MC offers workshops. These workshops vary from citations, to paraphrasing and even how to make a good PowerPoint! With the end of the semester coming up I think it is…
The Transfer Admission Process and how it’s different from the freshman one
Applying to transfer from two-year community colleges to four-years as an undergraduate student is surprisingly different from applying to college out of high school. As I finish up the application process myself, I wanted to discuss the things I've learned…
Campus Woes..
While I'm sure it's apparent that those of us blogging here at Montgomery College have deep love and respect for our school home, I'm also sure that there are things that we don't love as much about our beloved MC…
Room to Improve
Hola! This weekend's weather was just beautiful. I got to be outside a lot since I have a backyard now, and I'm so grateful for that. There are many things that we are now improving at our home and it…
Events happening this April!
A look into what events MC has to offer this month of April 2019. Work Cited Fame Anderson - You Won't Get Me Down Bok van Blerk - Sing Afrikaner Sing
Paperless Student
I am a paperless student. Here are the apps that I have grown to like but also have helped me throughout my Montgomery College years. Hopefully, you can use these apps and help your educational experience, whether it's at a…
Do You Ask?
Sometimes it's hard to talk about things, especially when they are about "sensitive" subjects or topics that might make the listening party uncomfortable. The month of April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAM). Unfortunately, sexual assault is all…