Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

I’m very tempted to make an Erik B. & Rakim “I Know You Got Soul” reference, given the amount of time that has passed since my last post, but I’m pretty sure that’s been done. So, I’ll just say that I know you have it and I hope you know I do too. It has been a pretty busy few weeks -assessments, labs, exams, etc. The semester is winding down, and this whirlwind of muscles, nerves, overload, progression, bones, choreography, VO2 formulas, and countless other topics is really just beginning. I’m going for Anatomy & Physiology 2 over the summer, then onto UMD for Kinesiology in the fall.
I’m sitting in the library at Takoma (I seriously can’t stay away), and listening to Beethoven’s Complete Symphonies, writing bits and pieces and deleting chunks in a sleep deprived stupor. I don’t mean for that to have a negative connotation, but more to express how much it matters to keep going. I’m sure many of you are sleep deprived, sore from leg day, or bummed out about one thing or another. But, you can’t be stopped. You mustn’t. The Health Fair is Wednesday, so hold out until then at least 😉 Come by, do the push up test and win a pen and massive high fives 😉 I’ll be doing two slots, hanging out from 11:30 to 2. It should be a lot of fun. I’ll get some sleep so I can say words that make sense at appropriate times in between the words of other people. It’ll be great. I’ll smile, too. I’ll have some of my Health major comrades there to pick up the slack in case I drift off and start drooling as a safety net.
All jokes aside, I have been feeling pretty good and recovering quickly from running these past few weeks. I’ve been running harder than I have in quite some time -don’t ask about my toenails- and am feeling pretty fantastic. The intermittent intermittent fasting (loading up on carbs on days where power is needed) is still going, and I’ve paired it with cold showers. I’ve been doing contrast showers (warm, normal person shower followed by it’s so cold why are you doing this to yourself!?!?!?) for some time now, but have graduated to full-on cold showers. INCREDIBLE. My sleep quality has improved, although quantity has not. I’ll take what I can get, you know? I have been looking at the work of a guy named Paul Chek-and of course Wim Hof -and have finally found the courage to plunge into the cold. El Salvador here I come! For those of you who haven’t been, hot showers are not an option in the majority of the country. Talk about a blessing in disguise! We used to dump buckets of ice cold waters on ourselves some mornings, and man did I misinterpret that as a negative. I’m designing a group fitness class for one of my courses and may have to sit down with Professor Seed about incorporating this into the cool down.
We’ll see how that goes 😉
Exciting news that you are going on to UMD! It sounds like you got into the program you wanted so badly!
Best of luck to you on your finals and continuing onto 4 year university!