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Hey, this one is for those of you looking scared and expectant at your future in college. I want you to know that there’s another option out there: community college. I certainly wasn’t aware of this one when I was thinking about what steps I would take next.

One thing I didn’t address in the video was the downsides of what you miss out on when you go to community college–specifically, probably better student life and the “freshman dorm experience.” Again, don’t forget to consider all the pros and cons and make the selection that is best for you. Nobody is the same.

Hi, I'm Anna, and I love running, writing, and video games. Besides vlogging for MC Voices, I also write for the MC Advocate, the Rockville student newspaper.

Comments (4)

  1. You bring up many excellent points! If only 18 year olds were not so into the ‘experience’. Unfortunately, many are not equipped to handle a large university and either get into trouble (like the frat hazing) or flunk out. The extra 2 years to mature can save your life and the education quality is really the same.

  2. Yes, more people bringing this topic up! Looking back, I applied to 4-year schools but was not always assured that my parents would be able to pay for it. MC allowed me to be part of a program that saw the potential in every kid no matter your social status. I agree with Jane, unfortunately, when we are in school many of us are not taught to think outside a 4-year University education like if that were the only choice we had. I am happy to share my experience with people and I appreciate you doing the same. This is an important message especially for high schoolers and basically, anyone who may feel confused as to what other options are out there. Great drawings too!

  3. High school counselors must encourage 2 year starts more. I hear a lot of the problem lies within the counselors saying 2 year is a ‘fallback’ if all else fails. Another problem is wealthy county….most parents can afford 4 year and encourage their kids to do so; there is a lot of competition amongst parents!

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