Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Did you get it?
Well just in case you didn’t, that is a Testudo!
Which is also the name of this^ guy, which happens to be the mascot of University of Maryland, College Park.
The same University I just got accepted into and I’d like to thank Montgomery College for giving me this opportunity. I’ll give a brief explanation as to why MC is the only reason I’ll be attending College Park in the Spring.
Out of High School I didn’t have much in the way of anything notable as far as school was concerned. I really didn’t like school, I was tired of being treated like a child and being forced to take a bunch of classes I didn’t like, and also I hated waking up that early in the morning. Exiting High School, I hadn’t put any application out to any college and I didn’t even plan to attend Montgomery College initially, because I didn’t have something I truly liked doing in academia. I’d like to make it clear that my grades were fine out of school, I did well in the classes that “mattered”, but I lacked any drive. I just didn’t care and the only thing that got me to start caring was moving towards something I enjoyed doing. Now, MC didn’t offer this in an obvious way to me, but it did offer something very critical to the process of obtaining that. Montgomery College offered me breathing room. Breathing room that let me explore, define, and decide what the heck I wanted to do. Whether that be in Art, Trades, or STEM. Montgomery College offered me a place there. I will always recommend them to anyone that has some shadow of a doubt about what they want to do, because it’s better to ‘spin your wheels’ here than it would be at a 4-year that costs twice to three times as much.
Montgomery College allows you to take your time and we all know “Slow and steady wins the race.”
Glad MC was able to set you on your path to UMD. Congrats on your acceptance!
Congratulations Jake on your acceptance to UMD! I have heard it before: MC offers a great starting place, a place to get grounded as a student and some of the best professors. Apparently, engineering students perform better and have a lower drop rate when they got their first 2 years underway here and then transferred to UMD for the last two. MC offers a unique experience and a nurturing one not found in mega classes. Best of luck to you!