Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Picture credit to public domain:
Hey everybody! For many of you, this post will seem a bit ill-timed since it is now Thursday. For others, you may be just ramping up to get ready for your finals. This post won’t be in the usual way of where I provide tips, but rather just lots of encouragement!
(Picture: Credited to Rockville Phi Theta Kappa chapter., 2019)
“Whatever has my attention, has my power. I choose to empower only those thoughts that lead me to peace and happiness.” (Quote provided by, Eternal Sunshine)
Students I just want you to know, everything you have done this semester; all the learning, the studying, the late nights, and the office hours has led you to this point! It has prepared you for where you are meant to be right now!
If you are worried about the grade you will receive try to lightly study, get LOTS of sleep, eat a healthy meal and maybe even exercise. Don’t doubt yourself! Believe that all the work that you have done all semester will carry you to success.
I believe in all of you and your success! Go out there and ace those tests!
Also: Here’s a challenge for all of you! For those struggling to put down their textbooks, I challenge you to go out and do something fun! Pick up a book, go to your favorite restaurant, or watch a movie! You deserve this and more! All the books, I’ve read with the exception of the new Sarah Dessen book on top 🙂
I love this! Great job Kayla!
Thank you Niah for reading! Good Luck with finals!
Timely post, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading in! Good Luck with finals! 🙂
Great tips Kayla! Good luck with finals!