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The stress of this semester has really been getting to my mood, but I’m not letting it get to my mindset. This week, I wanted to share some advice on pushing yourself and finding that spot that makes you grow. Thanks for this one, Coach Redmond.

Hi, I'm Anna, and I love running, writing, and video games. Besides vlogging for MC Voices, I also write for the MC Advocate, the Rockville student newspaper.

Comments (5)

  1. Liked your message Anna – that we have to go our of our comfort zone sometimes to achieve, excel or grow. Unfortunately, too many people like comfortable so they get stuck.
    Very cool you are on the Advocate – maybe we can hear about that sometime!

  2. Getting out of your comfort zone is really hard! Haha reminds me when we met up at the French bakery not long ago and I was talking about how I’m getting myself involved with different clubs that do not normally interest me and to be completely honest with you … it feels great!

    Here’s some motivation for your 18 credits you’re taking!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GIRL!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow! Too many credits lol! I agree with stepping out of your comfort zone:) It is definitely not always easy, but at some point, it must be done in order to try out something new! Great video and I know you’ll do great this semester! You are almost there:)

  4. i 100% agree with your video. funnily enough all my coaches used to use the phrase “comfortable uncomfortable” i think it’s a common saying in the sports world. keep up the good work! the semester’s almost done =]

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