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My Grammy with her Sharpie Mug

With finals coming fast, we can forget about others things in our lives like presents for the holidays. Holidays can be hard for students due to our lack of time and funds (college student finances are no joke), so I thought I would share some quick, cheap and easy Do it yourself holiday gifts!

  • Survival Kit. This is one of my favorite gifts to give. You can make survival kits for everything! For example, a student survival kit may consist of snack foods, ibuprofen, pencils, and if your friends are clumsy like me, band aids. This stuff will definitely come in handy for next semesters late night study sessions – don’t forget to give them some “chill pills” (also known as Skittles) to give them a little laugh too.
  • Sharpie Mugs. I have given this as a gift to so many people I have lost count! I absolutely love this! All you need is a plain ceramic mug (I get mine from the dollar store), Sharpies and an oven. Write out a saying or a cool design on the mug with the Sharpies and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. For an added bonus, when done, put some goodies (candy, tea bags, hot chocolate mix) to give them as gifts!
  • Money gifts. Now these you can get super creative with! Get the cash and put it into something (such as a tissue box) and watch as your friend keeps pulling and pulling the tissues (cash) out. Or another favorite, take a bill and put it in a picture frame with a “break in case of emergency” sign.
  • Amazon gift card. While it may not be a DIY gift, it is one of the best gifts to give. You can get virtually anything on Amazon from food, electronics, and even textbooks!

For more ideas, check out this list here.

I hope these gift ideas will help take a load off your shoulders so that you can focus on your finals and not be stressing over what to get your loved ones this holiday season!

Happy gifting! My Grammy with her Sharpie Mug

I am a 19-year-old lifelong resident of Damascus, Maryland. I am in my 3rd semester as a part-time student at MC. I plan on getting my Associates Degree in the next couple of years and then transferring to the University of Maryland at the Universities at Shady Grove (health permitting).

MC has been my academic home for the past year and I could not be happier. I started off my collegiate experience at Salisbury University in the fall of 2015, but due to my Chronic Lyme Disease, I was forced to drop out. I thought my academic life was over, as I was too ill to handle a full course-load, but that is when I discovered the part-time option at MC. MC gave the choice to take as many, or as few classes as I wanted, and because of this, I am now back on track to getting my degree. MC also offered me disability support services to further assist me in accomplishing my dreams.

I hope that this blog can help other students like me to see that even though they may not be taking the “traditional” route towards higher education, MC offers load of opportunities that will get us where we want to go. Whether you aren’t sure where you want to end up in life, or have another obstacle, like a chronic illness or disability, you can still reach for the stars and accomplish anything they want to here at MC. 

Comments (1)

  1. I love these suggestions, and in fact, I like homemade gifts most of all! They show you cared enough to take time to personalize a gift. Anyone can pick up a gift card! For other student budget friendly gifting and decorating ideas, check out web sites like:

    ……and of course, don’t forget people love treats as gifts too:

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