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MC Voices

“You will always be growing. You will always be expanding. Just enjoy and learn from this version of you. It’s okay to be here.” Quote provided by Eternal Sunshine, Meditation App.

Hey everybody! For many of us, it’s now been weeks of solitary confinement, I mean social distancing. Whether that be from school, jobs, going to the gym, or even hanging out with your friends. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve especially been asked how I’ve been managing and if I am doing okay.

I think the question to really ask is, how have I gotten this far. Before I delve deep into my personal life and share matters with a bunch of internet strangers, here’s a disclaimer. Disclaimer: If you are in a vulnerable place and feel you may need help, please reach out to someone you trust or healthcare professional. Stay safe.

So, how have I gotten this far? Have I stocked up on thousands of self-help books and perused the free courses offered by Harvard University? Or decided to meditate for 12 hours straight until I have achieved maximum self-enlightenment. While in theory, I was doing all of those things, it only served as a temporary fix to a lot of my problems. I noticed during this mode of self-isolation my biggest problem was patience.

Patience for myself, patience for others, and patience that things were going to get better. I’ll admit, in the beginning, I started off strong thinking that if I just found skills for myself that I would make it through this. I blew through book after book and free course after course thinking that it would fix the fear and impatience that was quickly starting to come to the surface. Nobody was offering pats on the backs or care packages for the amount of fear and sadness that was clearly taking over. Is this the new reality? Will I be stuck at home with a screaming toddler forever? I was impatient. I was quick to solve my growing boredom with recipes and thousands of episodes on Netflix.

And then, the hundreds of zoom meetings hit. It seemed like there was always a zoom meeting, no matter the time of day. Classes that were hands-on and supposedly interactive suddenly became endless lectures that I couldn’t escape. For a while, it seemed helpless. I was drowning under a sea of expectations, missed assignments, and job requirements. Was I really surviving and fighting Quarantine like a boss? But despite all that, seeing teachers work day and night to still give quality lectures gave me hope. Seeing classmates make jokes and share tips on how to get through it, inspired me.

Don’t give up. Whether you’re a teacher, a student, an essential worker, parent or supporter. Be patient with yourself and others as everyone adjusts and adapts to the new normal. It’s okay to have your off days and to feel like you’re not doing well. Understand and appreciate that you and everyone else are doing the best they can.

I believe in you guys! Stay strong and stay home, I know this too will be over soon.


Hey there! I promise finding this author’s note and stumbling across my blog page is no accident. My goal at the end of the day is to hopefully get you laughing, encouraged, or ready to make a change in your life. Now back to basics. My name is Kayla Savoy and this is my second year here at Montgomery College. Although I transfered from a different Community college halfway through my first year, I decided to make the switch and study Interior Design here on the Rockville campus! My goal after graduating is to transfer to Marymount University where I will continue my path to becoming an Interior Designer!

In my spare time you might catch me walking along campus helping other students as part of my job as a Peer Navigator or hiding out in Macklin Tower playing the Sims 4! Although Interior Design is my passion for my ocupation, I have found comfort in designing stickers and writing on my own personal blog ‘Accidentally Fluffy.’

Hobbies aside, I know what it’s like to be a college student and see each phase and go through every struggle. I understand the late nights, the “I haven’t eaten in four days”, I even understand the procrastination and overwhelming desire to give up when classes get hard. I hope you view this blog as a safe haven and a place where you can get a quick laugh and not feel judged. I hope you feel empowered enough at the end of each post to search for the opportunities offered here at MC as well!

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