By Ashley Neyra As I mentioned previously in part 1, I've been at Montgomery College…

By Ashley Neyra
After being at MC for a little over 2 years I’ve come across a few clubs that have gotten my attention. Of course, being curious I always went to check them out. Here are some of my hidden gems at Montgomery College!
The globe newspaper of course aka known as the best club at MC! Now, I’m 100% biased considering I’ve been a part of The Globe since my very first semester at MC. Not to mention I’ve worked my way up to now be the editor-in-chief! I absolutely love being able to show all my different artistic skills. Whether it be writing, photography, podcasts, or making flyers. I’ve loved all aspects of being able to express myself freely. Not to mention having the best team and sponsor does add to the creative flow.
Chess is my bittersweet spot. I love playing it, and I love watching others play it but gosh I suck at it. I am too much in denial to ever admit this in person so don’t ask. Although I absolutely love seeing the members of the chess club play and give me tips as to how I can improve next time and not lose too badly! It’s cool because they are all at different levels of experience which makes it interesting to hop in a game and play with them whether it be at the Germantown or Rockville campus!
With Nitelight you find amazing dancing paired with cool music! They unite those who love kpop and everything that comes with it! They hold everything from performances to exhibitions. Always around campus with so much energy and share the passion for the kpop fan base! I personally am not a kpop fan but the hard work they put into practicing for their performance surely always pays off and is for sure a must-see at MC.
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