How To Achieve a Healthier Lifestyle!
Hey everybody! To start us off, I want to provide yet another motivational quote provided by Eternal Sunshine! :) Progress is not measured by how fast we go, but how far we go. Whatever you choose to do in life,…
Meditation has Benefits
We’re learning how to meditate in the Wednesday Yoga class. Meditation involves focusing attention on one thing, such as breath, a sound or an image. It is done while sitting or lying quietly and is accessible to everyone. Meditation consists…
Audition no no’s
As You Like It - the musical Audition times: Monday, 2 Dec 2019 5pm - 9pm Tuesday, 3 Dec 2019 4pm - 7pm Where: Theatre Arts Arena Make sure to keep an eye for more chances like this to audition…
Service Learning at MC
Do you like giving back to the community but aren’t quite sure how? Well, MC can help you with that! One way to get involved is by being in a “service-learning course.” Some classes require you to have a certain…
Thanksgiving = Giving Thanks
Hey survivors, How are we doing? Its that time of the year again, its turkey season YAAAAAY. So I came across this post that really got me laughing. Basically a turkey had a bullet at its waist and the caption…
Thanksgiving Break!
Oof, can you all feel the tension yet? The preparation for finals, the late-night studying and finishing late work. If you haven't noticed, the end of the semester is quickly approaching!! It seemed like just yesterday we were all starting…
Yoga Pose Comes to the Wire
Several weeks ago, I wrote about the difficulty in maintaining a home yoga practice to complement the yoga classes at MC. With lots of encouragement, I’ve been trying to do a little yoga every day. Sometimes just a round of…
Diversity in Tech
“So, if we hadn't come, you would've been the only Black participant in the room.” As my friend brought this up, the somber reality of the tech industry dawned on me: the under-representation of People of Color in Tech. But…