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I am a 20-year-old lifelong resident of Damascus, Maryland. I am in my 4th semester as a part-time student at MC. I plan on getting my associates degree in the next couple of years and then transferring to the University of Maryland at the Universities at Shady Grove (health permitting).

MC has been my academic home for the past year and I could not be happier. I started off my collegiate experience at Salisbury University in the fall of 2015, but due to my Chronic Lyme Disease, I was forced to drop out. I thought my academic life was over, as I was too ill to handle a full course-load, but that is when I discovered the part-time option at MC. MC gave the choice to take as many, or as few classes as I wanted, and because of this, I am now back on track to getting my degree. MC also offered me disability support services to further assist me in accomplishing my dreams.

I hope that this blog can help other students like me to see that even though they may not be taking the “traditional” route towards higher education, MC offers load of opportunities that will get us where we want to go. Whether you aren’t sure where you want to end up in life, or have another obstacle, like a chronic illness or disability, you can still reach for the stars and accomplish anything they want to here at MC.

My Posts

Snowy Photo with words, Thank you, MC!

Why I Picked Montgomery College

As my time as a blogger and a student here at MC comes to a close, I thought I’d take some time to reflect on my experience here. I’ll admit I was upset when I…

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Cassidy and Dr. Nancy Fox at a LEAF event

Service Learning at MC

Do you like giving back to the community but aren’t quite sure how? Well, MC can help you with that! One way to get involved is by being in a “service-learning course.” Some classes require…

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Let’s Talk…Linguistics!

Have you ever wondered why some people say “y’all” instead of “you guys?” Or “pop” instead of “soda.?” Well Linguistics 200 at MC explains that and much more! Linguistics is the scientific study of language…

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Silhouette of People Throwing Graduation Caps

Lets Get You Graduated!

So it’s that time, your final semester at MC. You’re so excited to finally be getting you degree, but how do you do that? Lucky for you, I’m in the same boat—I’m graduating this semester…

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Laptop and woman writing on notebook with words "Happy Researching, Raptors"

Happy Researching, Raptors!

We are halfway through the semester and I don't know about you, but for me that means all of the research papers are coming up! Now this is my last semester at MC so I…

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Cassidy and her Friend Art

Get To Know Your Classmates

Do you know your classmates? Or do you just got to class, keep quiet, then leave? I used to be the latter. But I have come to find out that getting to know your classmates,…

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IPhone with a reminder saying "Read MC Voices" on it

Remember this!

Did you remember to do that project? What about that paper? I don’t know about you but I have a hard time remembering when everything is due. However, I have recently discovered some great ways…

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MC Voices

Hidden Gem of MC

I have discovered the hidden gem of MC—the Theatre Program. Before you ask, no I am not part of the Theatre Program (you do not want to see me perform), but I am obsessed with…

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Flyer for Mindful mondays

Be Mindful at MC

Do you know that, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health, 50% of college students report having anxiety and/or poor mental health? I’m not afraid to admit that I am part of that 50%…

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Student Standing outside SC Building on Rockville Campus

So You’re New to MC Rockville

I’m back! I am so excited to be partaking in my third (and final) semester as a student blogger here at MC. This is my last semester here at MC, so I am going to…

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Job Hunting Sign

Job Hunting Made Easy With MC

With summer coming up just around the corner, it’s time to think about finding summer jobs and internships. Did you know that MC has a program to help current, and past, students get jobs? Yup!…

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Chalk words "you got this"

Workshop to Success

Did you know MC offers workshops? Yup! Throughout the year, MC offers workshops. These workshops vary from citations, to paraphrasing and even how to make a good PowerPoint! With the end of the semester coming…

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Blurb with spanish words

Taking Spanish at MC

When signing up for classes next semester I wanted to tell you about my favorite class here at MC: Spanish. I have taken 3 semesters of Spanish here at MC - from 101 to 201 -…

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person at computer

How to get through online classes

So, I’ve taken two online classes at MC, and I am now taking my third.  I thought I would give some tips on how to handle them. Write down your schedule. Whether you use a…

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Tree Lined path

Getting out of the Post-Spring Break Slump

Well it’s that time of year again. The sun is shining, the weather is warmer and that last thing you want to do is your school work. I’m sorry to be the one to tell…

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Word Community

A Community Celebrating

Did you know that the Germantown Campus has been here for 40 years? Yup, this month Germantown is celebrating its 40th anniversary! To commemorate, there will be a Germantown Community Day on March 30th from…

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Sign saying work

Interning at MC

This semester I have an internship with the online blog site The Mighty. When I applied for the internship, I contacted my advisor to find out how MC works with internships. I learned that MC…

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Fresh Tomatoes

Nutritious and Delicious at MC

Did you know that MC has a Food and Nutrition Program? Their motto is “fuel for success,” and that is just what they provide! Each campus has food pantries. These food pantries are stocked with…

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For Rent sign

Laptops for Everyone!

Did you know that MC offers free laptop rentals? Yup, it’s true! The general studies program is offering students whom are enrolled in online, or z-courses, a laptop for the semester. A z-course is when…

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sign saying Financial id

Are your Classes Covered?

I have had financial aid for a while now and I am still learning some important things. One thing is the importance of checking to make sure your classes are actually covered by financial aid…

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Biology Family

The Semester in Review

We are in our last week of the semester. Where has the time gone? If you are like me, the sheer panic of finals has already hit. So instead of thinking about all the tests…

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My Grammy with her Sharpie Mug

Collegiate Gift Giving

With finals coming fast, we can forget about others things in our lives like presents for the holidays. Holidays can be hard for students due to our lack of time and funds (college student finances…

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MC Voices

Germantown vs Rockville

I have spent the majority of my time at MC at the Germantown campus; however, this semester that changed when I had two classes at Rockville. Right away I noticed some major differences between the…

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Helping hands

It is okay to ask for a helping hand

Now that we are down to the last 5 weeks of the semester, the stress level has amplified, along with the workload. This stress cans sometimes be a bit much for us students and greatly…

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Election Day

Next Tuesday, November 6th, is Election Day. For many MC students, this may be the first time you are voting! Since we do not get school off for Election Day, I highly recommend early voting…

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What makes a good student?

Now that we know what students think make a good teacher, I thought I would find out what teachers think make a good student.  Now I don’t just mean the basic, “show up for class”…

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Anthology by Seth Michelson

An Amazing Cultural Opportunity

For the past 6 years, the Humanities Department has been hosting “Humanities Days.” For a week, they have special events with guest speakers, workshops, films and more. This year, Humanities Days is the week of…

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Professor 101

What makes a good teacher?

Over my 17 years of schooling, I have had my fair share of teachers. Now, everyone knows no two teachers are the same and having a good teacher can either make or break a class…

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Do you know what to do in case of an emergency on campus?

In our society, unfortunately, emergency situations at schools seem to be happening more and more frequently. If you are like me, you have probably wondered what we are supposed to do in these instances. Well,…

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Be Prepared Planner

How to be Prepared for a New Semester

The new semester is off to a great start! The beginning of the semester can sometimes be a bit rocky, so I thought I would give some tips on how to handle it: Check, and…

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Keeping Your Brain Alive Over Break

Going on break is all fun and games, until you come back in the spring and your brain is full of Netflix and food. So to help keep your brain up to its full potential,…

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What Will Be, Will Be

What will be, will be. This is the hardest thing for us to wrap our heads around. If you fail that test tomorrow, it will be okay. If you missed class today, it will be…

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Feeling Thankful

With Thanksgiving approaching, it is always nice to reflect on what we are thankful for. I am lucky because I have so much to be thankful for this year. First off, I am thankful for…

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Help, Help, Everywhere

Did you know MC has multiple free tutoring centers?  There is one on every campus: in the HS building, room 150, in Germantown, Macklin Tower, room 020, in Rockville and Resource Center, room 105 in…

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Lets Discuss Discussion Boards

Let’s discuss discussion boards---online discussion boards, that is. Now I don’t know about you, but I am still pretty new to the Blackboard program. So when my professor told us we would be doing discussions…

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Next Semester Is Closer Than You Think

If you are like me, you like to plan ahead. Well, that can get complicated in college, especially when trying to sign up for classes for the next semester. So, here are some tips on…

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A Professors Passion for Printmaking

Did you know that professors have lives other than teaching? Well they do. One professor of mine in particular has an unbelievably unique life. Peter Stoliaroff is not only an amazing professor, but he is…

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No-Stress Tests

Now that I have given you the steps you need to get accommodations from Disability Support Services, I thought I would give you some tips on how to properly use another campus gem: the assessment…

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Need a little support?

When I was a junior in high school, I got my first set of academic accommodations: my 504 plan. My Chronic Lyme disease got exceptionally bad and I was missing more and more school, but…

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Hidden Gem at MC

PSA: Last week I found a hidden gem at MC, and it is located in the High Tech and Science building at the Germantown Campus, on the second floor. What is this mystery treat? It…

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