Let’s Make Art!
Hindi words of the week: कला Kala (kuh-la) - art रंग Rang (rung) - color Hello everyone! It's a new semester here at Montgomery college and I hope you're doing well! This semester I have the wonderful privelege of taking…
Hindi words of the week: कला Kala (kuh-la) - art रंग Rang (rung) - color Hello everyone! It's a new semester here at Montgomery college and I hope you're doing well! This semester I have the wonderful privelege of taking…
Hindi words of the week: अंत Anth (aa-nn-th) - end/finish/conclusion जरूरी Jarooree (za-roo-ree) - necessary So it's close to the end of the semester everyone! I hope this semester has been going well for you; it's been decent for me…
Hindi words of the week: परीक्षा Pareeksha (puh-ree-ksh-aah) - exam पिल्ला Pilla (pi-ll-aa) - puppy I love dogs. Simple as that. I love them and so do many of you guys. My pet dogs are my best friends, they're loyal…
Sometimes it's hard to talk about things, especially when they are about "sensitive" subjects or topics that might make the listening party uncomfortable. The month of April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAM). Unfortunately, sexual assault is all…
Hindi words of the week: Pyaar (py-ah-rr) - love Dost (tho-st) - friend Hello everyone, hope these drastic weather changes aren't getting to you. A lot of my friends have recently gotten sick or just felt down and depressed…
Hindi Words of the Week: वसंत Vasant (vuh-suh-nnth) – spring आनंदAnand (aah-nuh-nnd) - happiness Hi Raptors! Spring break is here! I hope you all have some good plans for the time off ahead. I plan on sleeping. I vow to…
Hindi Words of the Week: तबला Tabla (ta-bla) - drums गाना Gana (gaa-na) - song/music My addiction is a serious one, and I don’t care how distracting it can be. It is possibly the most wonderful thing in the world…
Hindi Words of the Week: बर्फ Baraf (buh-ruff) - Snow/Ice गरम Garam (guh-rum) - Warm Hello raptors, it's that time of year. Snow days are falling into our laps and we have to take advantage! I for one love…
Hindi words of the week: अध्यापक Adhyaapak (uhth-yaa-puk) – instructor or teacher मदद Madad (muh-the-ud) - help Hello all, this was a killer week for me. It was full of family events, work and school work, and I've barely slept…