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Enter the Web

Hey Raptors, sorry for the delay in posting. We had some technical difficulties on this end as they oft happen in modern times. When technology fails, it fails hard. Haha. Anywho, we're back! With the Covid-19, or Coronavirus, pandemic ongoing…

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Clean Out

Hindi words of the week: किताब Kitab (kih-tha-ab) - book मज़ा Maza (muh-zaa) - fun Hey raptors its the end of the semester and the time of year when we also need to start cleaning out old textbooks and such…

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Hindi Words of the Week: बाज़ार Bazaar (baa-zarr) - market खाना Khana (kha-naa) - food I've talked about it before but it really is difficult to be healthy during the school semester. Can't seem to work enough hours or study…

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Hindi words of the week: नक्शा Naksha (nuk-shh) - map आराम Aaram (aah-rom) - ease Hey everyone it’s nearing the end of the semester! Are you ready? I know I am haha. I'm burnt out you guys. My attention and…

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Hindi words of the week: समय Samay (sum-ay) - time वक्त Waqt (vuh-kth) - time Hey everyone, it’s that time of the semester again; it’s time to register for classes for next semester. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your view,…

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One of the great things about our college is the classes we are offered here :). Honestly. I haven’t taken an English class in ages but I love to read and write. I literally will read a book I’m hooked…

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What is Success?

Hindi words of the week आत्मा Aatma (aah-th-muh) – soul/spirit विश्वास Vishwas (vih-shh-wa-aus) – to believe What does it mean to be successful? I think that if you ask most people this question they will answer with something along the…

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School, Study, _______, Repeat

Hindi words of the week: व्यायाम Vyaayam (vya-ah-yum) - exercise स्वास्थ्य Svasthya (swa-ahs-th-ya) - health Hey Raptors, Autumn is here with midterms right around the corner. =/ yikes. I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you that I…

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New Country, New You

Hindi words of the week: यात्रा Yaatra (yaa-th-ruh) - Travel अहसास Ahsaas (eh-sauce) ? - Epiphany/realization Hey guys, I hope your first couple of months this semester have been going well. Mine have been alright, definitely got some things that I…

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