Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Sometimes, an idea can be thoroughly expressed in a simple Facebook status. This week has been “interesting enough” for me to share 20 things that were/are on my mind.
1.) I just bought a lip gloss I’m allergic to! (feeling bummed)
2.) I’m late to class, why do I have to be bad at parking? (feeling irritated)
3.) Me in the car on my way to school: “I wish I woke up a little earlier than 30 minutes ago”
4.) I gotta pretend I’m paying attention so he doesn’t think I’m a bad student. (feeling ninja)
5.) I think I’m really sick, but I won’t call the doctor because my parents can do that for me. (I’m 22)
6.) This outfit doesn’t go with these shoes. I’m checking mom’s closet! (feeling out of choices)
7.) My hair smells like the food I’m cooking. Where’s my hairspray? (feeling lost)
8.) I hope he thinks I’m funny and that I smell good.
9.) I’m gonna quit this homework right now so I can breathe good air again. (feeling burdened and used)
10.) Am I really gonna settle for a B+ when I know I can get an A? (feeling like I’m carrying the weight of the world)
11.) I think Netflix has the answers!
12.) Why is this movie making me emotional? I think I should start reading the assigned homework.
13.) Why is it raining? The weatherman didn’t warn me it’s going to rain at 1:32 P.M. (feeling uninformed)
14.) Thank God for friends!
15.) I love this class! I knew I’d learn more things this semester. (feeling like the most informed person in the world)
16.) I saw this dress in my dreams! (feeling I get when I’m shopping for clothes)
17.) These people are really nice. Nice people really make your day! (feeling joyful)
18.) I need to be more decisive. I never know what to eat.
19.) She’s classy and polite and kind . I wanna be like her when I grow up.
20.) I am a responsible citizen and I will vote on election day!
You certainly have gone through the gamut of emotions this week! I suppose we all do but we are so rushed around maybe not to be in tune to them! However, I particularly liked #20. Young is no excuse for not being involved, and as they say, if you don’t like something, do something about it! Good for you for deciding to vote on election day!