By Ashley Neyra As I mentioned previously in part 1, I've been at Montgomery College…

By Ashely Neyra
From a young age, I always loved learning. It didn’t matter what it was, but I just wanted to know everything. None of that changed once I got to Montgomery College. Seeing their large variety of classes I was beyond amazed. This led me to pick classes that I didn’t know I’d get the chance to.
Sociology 100 is probably one of the most eye-opening classes, at least it was in the way Dr. Johnson teaches it (I’ve heard mixed feelings about other professors’ way of teaching it). The class allowed students to express all their cultural differences and explore them! We talked about controversial topics, but we learned the thoughts behind that that made us think in the way we do. It was definately a class this next generation or anyone needs. Especially when talking about the several social changes happening daily.
Anthropology 201 Was a class I feel paired well with sociology 100! The class talked more about the evolution of humans culturally and how we evolved throughout time in our very beginning. This class helped expand the differences in our culture and how/where they are rooted. It gave a breakdown of how different cultures have created their own systems when it comes to economics, family, ecology, and much more!
Wondering what is wrong or right? Or thinking of what would be ethically correct? Intro to ethics 140 was the class to take to truly grab an understanding of those life questions. In the class we learned from several philosophers and their theories to the answers to life questions. But it was truly a class of discovery and understanding of yourself and your peers.
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