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As I started my journey to find a college that was right for me; I had one big rule set in mind. Which was to attend a very diverse school. Growing up in the area that I did, diversity was all I knew and something that I absolutely love about it. I would always ask my friends about their culture and was always interested in how they were different from me. Not to make it sound cheesy but I always found it beautiful and intriguing to learn about others. This is why it was so important to me because I wanted to continue learning about others outside of the classroom as well. Which oh boy for sure did find it at MC!

Fun fact according to college factual Montgomery college is in the top 15% for diversity, pretty cool huh. 

Anyways, right off the bat, I noticed how everyone in my classes pretty much covered all the parts of the world which were so amazing to see. It’s so beautiful to see the thousands of different skin colors, hair colors, types, and even the different facial features I got to see from the occasional sips of water people take during class since we all are still wearing masks of course. As I’ve gotten to know them better I’ve learned so many cool facts about where they’ve come from and the places that they have been to; which I always find fascinating to learn about and am looking forward to learning more about as I spend more time here at MC!


Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Neyra. I was born and raised in Montgomery county. I'm a first year student at Montgomery college; I am currently studying general studies in History, Arts, communication and language.

Although, like many others I'm not sure what I'm doing and what I want in the long run. Currently I'm on the mission of trying anything and everything:) One thing I can say for certain is that math is definitely not in my future plans lol. But I know for sure that what I want to do is help other people. Whether it be in my own neighborhood or in 3rd world countries (saying that out loud sounds extremely cheesy lol) but it's something I'm set on doing. Now I just have to focus on the how aspect of that idea. When I'm not contemplating life, In my free time I love learning and hearing about other people's cultures. But I also love taking pictures. Street photography is my go to ( you can see some of my work on instagram @_ashley__c and @acn_pics_ :) My photography also encourage of much I also love traveling and getting to know new places. But I also enjoy reading; I read almost just about anything and this statement is also true for my music taste lol. I’ve also gotten back into writing recently; nothing much but short stories and such.

I'm happy to be here and excited to see what comes out of my time here at Montgomery college!

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