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MC Voices


We are entering finals week and surprisingly week 8 of the virtual experience. I cant believe we have survived 7 weeks of this experience. Today’s blog is aimed at throwing light on the amazing job our faculty and staff has been doing. I think sometimes as students we get so caught up with ourselves and the see the abundant assignments as some kind of punishment that we fail to recognize the work faculty puts in and while we can say they are paid for it, some go way out of their pay level to ensure that we are happy and succeeding. I think MC staff has done a really great job in dealing with this unexpected change. Special appreciation to Dr. Pollard for all the updates and behind the scenes work and the continues email updates and available resources.

Talking about available resources, in case you are not the person to check emails often, MC has received funds from the CARES ACT (Corona Virus Aid Release and Economic Security package) which is a federal funding to assist during this hard times. If you are a financial aid recipient in need of financial assistance, you can submit an application now to be considered. According to Dr Pollard’s last email, funds are already being distributed to students under this act. Another way you can receive aid is through the MC foundation.

It is a tough time but we can get through this. Stay save!

Hi, my name is Kandi and I am a third semester nursing student. I am happy and excited to be a part of MC voices to not only Mc as a whole but to nursing students, foreign students without immediate family in the United States, African students, and new students. Why because that’s what makes me, I am all of that and much more.

I am a Cameroonian who has lived in the United States for almost 5years. I am a Christian and a believer in Christ and also a very optimistic person. I make and share a lot of encouraging/inspirational/motivational Videos and post on Instagram @uniquelykandi.

If you are new to MC welcome,
If you are new to the nursing program, welcome,
If you new to the United States, welcome.

I believe we will have a lot of fun sharing and learning from each other.
Philippians 4:4

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