Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Oof, can you all feel the tension yet? The preparation for finals, the late-night studying and finishing late work. If you haven’t noticed, the end of the semester is quickly approaching!! It seemed like just yesterday we were all starting classes and getting acquainted with our professors, but next week is Thanksgiving Break!!
For those celebrating, widely indulging in Turkey or those simply looking for a couple of days to cool down and get some extra Z’s, our time is almost here!!
Remember the campus will be closed for Students from Wed, Nov 27 – Friday, Nov 29! That’s three EXTRA days to enjoy spending time with friends, family, your loved ones or even a chance to cool out by yourself!
So if you haven’t already, kick back, get some snacks and get ready for Thanksgiving Break!!
Remember you guys! You deserve this break, so enjoy it!!
Breaks are always a good thing! Always make sure to slow down and enjoy them.