Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Did you know MC offers workshops?
Yup! Throughout the year, MC offers workshops. These workshops vary from citations, to paraphrasing and even how to make a good PowerPoint! With the end of the semester coming up I think it is perfect time for some refresher workshops!
However, since the semester is almost over the workshops are almost done too! There is one today April 8th, from 2 to 3 on research and citations. There are two tomorrow—a PowerPoint basics from 1 to 2 and another research and citations from 2 to 3. On April 10th, there is an ethical decisions workshop from 1 to 2:30, as well. On Saturday April 13th, there is an advanced quoting and paraphrasing workshop from 12 to 1. There are a few more you can find here!
If you don’t have time for a workshop though, have no fear—online tutorials are here! On the MC website you can find tutorials on academic integrity, MLA citations and APA citations! I find these tools extremely helpful when writing all of my final papers! There are also tutorials for finding and evaluating research as well as taking distance learning courses!
If you find yourself struggling toward the end of this semester, know that MC is here to ensure you succeed! Utilize these free tools so that you can end this semester on the right foot!
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