Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

As you may recall from some of my other posts, there are so many things that are a part of the Montgomery College community that range from the educational, to the artistic, to the slightly wacky… and everything in between! The options for things to see and do are practically endless, and while I couldn’t possibly give an exhaustive list, here’s just a few things that I would personally like to see and do before my time at MC is over:
- Attend an event at the Cultural Arts Center – on the Takoma/Silver Spring campus, there is the Cultural Arts Center which hosts amazing artistic endeavors such as plays, comedy shows, and dance performances.
- See the Observatory – on the Rockville Campus, there is an observatory which is used as part of the Astronomy program, but is also open to the public on select days/nights. Currently, “Observatory Nights” are held twice per month with the observatory being made available to the general public for star gazing. This is free, but registration is required. You can learn more here
- Check out an event at the Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center – located on the Rockville Campus, this venue not only hosts student events, but is also the place to be for exciting events by prominent county organizations, including a robust offering of children’s program. Click here for more information!
- Visit the Cafritz Foundation Arts Center – also on the Takoma/Silver Spring campus. This venue hosts both student and regional art shows, with some amazing artwork being showcased by both budding and established artists! You can see their schedule here.
- Take a photography class – photography has long been an interest of mine, and it is my goal to take a class at some point before graduation to actually learn more about it and perhaps move up from “hobby” level to actual photographer!
- Attend an athletic event – it seems only right to have at least one event under my belt before I graduate. The full college experience surely depends on it!
**Bonus: To meet the MC Mascot! Perhaps this can best be accomplished by attending an athletic event. That way, I could knock out two bucket list items at once!
Obviously this list in no way even begins to scratch the surface of all of the wonderful resources available at Montgomery College. There are new events and new classes being added all the time. With such an accessible campus that has such diverse offerings, how can you not want to explore? Do you have things that you want to see and/or do before your time at MC comes to an end? Is there something you’ve done that you think I should try? I’d love to hear about it!
Isn’t it crazy how two years sounds so long and before you know it, you realize the time has come because soon the opportunity may be gone! I have seen the Rockville Observatory, enjoyed many shows at the RPAC (they also have big names as featured artists) and a Staff Day was once held at Cafritz. Also. I DID attend a soccer game of one of my very own bloggers once! The point it, there can be lots to do on a community college campus and to seize the opportunity while you can. Hope you get to do all the bucket list items!