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For the finale, I know registration is coming up next week, so I wanted to walk you through some considerations you should make when crafting a school schedule.

For advice on how to specifically choose your classes and find out what requirements you need, check out my video on the Degree Audit tool.

This is it! I graduate from MC this semester, so this is my 20th and last video. Thank you for having me, and I hope that whether you read this today or a couple of years from when this is published, the content I’ve created this year helps you and positively impacts you. I’ve used my imagination, drawn from my YouTube inspirations (can you spot Anna Akana, asapScience, and Vi Hart?), given five to ten hours a week, and thrown a little bit of my soul into these videos, and I hope it made a splash.

On to the next adventure,


Hi, I'm Anna, and I love running, writing, and video games. Besides vlogging for MC Voices, I also write for the MC Advocate, the Rockville student newspaper.

Comments (1)

  1. This video is a lot like your first. Really nice. Balance in life is everything but for sure not easy to accomplish. Thanks for all your videos. I do think they will be helpful to a future MC student. Best of luck on your next steps!

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