Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Graduation… for those who are graduating this semester (not me… a little bit longer!), I’m sure that’s pretty much all they have on their mind! For the rest of us, I know it seems a little bit early in the semester to start talking about the end of the year and graduation season, but it’s always a good idea to plan ahead in order to ensure that you are meeting all of the appropriate deadlines. If you are aiming to graduate this semester, you would have already submitted your application for graduation. For those who are graduating in the summer or fall, you can find the application and information about the application process here.
If you’re getting your ducks in a row to hopefully be ready for a summer, fall, or next spring graduation, MC has created a GREAT checklist of things you’ll need in order to graduate. You’ll note that for summer or fall graduation, your diploma is mailed to you. For spring graduation, you can choose to participate in commencement or have your diploma mailed to you. While participating in commencement is not a requirement for graduation, most people choose to participate in order to have their achievements publicly recognized and celebrated! While exact details for Commencement 2019 have not yet been announced, you can view last year’s commencement, and keep an eye out on this page for this year’s information.
Keeping graduation in our sights is one of the biggest motivating factors for most people, myself included. We study hard and forego our free time all in order to reach the goal of getting that diploma in our hands and either continuing on to a bachelor’s degree or starting a career right away. Evaluating and adjusting my plan as needed will ensure that I make the goal of crossing that finish line.
For those of us who are still working on our degree and certificate programs, one inspirational way to stay on track is to attend a commencement, or perhaps view it via video stream or on Montgomery College Television. Hearing “Pomp and Circumstance” play and seeing our friends and colleagues walk across the stage as their name is called can strengthen the resolve of even the most tentative among us.
Have you checked out the information on graduation in preparation for your turn? Are you participating in the commencement ceremony? Will you watch this year’s ceremony? Are you as excited as I am to finally reach your goal? Let me know what you think!
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