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Karl talks with Elena about how much and individual class costs for those who may want to take single classes that transfer credits to other schools.

I am 22 years old and have been attending Montgomery College for two years now with one semester left to go before I graduate. I’ve lived in the Rockville area for 8 years and before that, another 7 years St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Before that I lived in Austria and Australia, the place of my birth.

My major is Information Systems. It used to be Computer Science, but it turned out I’m awful at math, so I switched over to something still in the general field of computing and less math intensive.

I’ve been interested in the production of entertainment as a hobby for going on 8 years now. During this time, I’ve learned a lot about what exactly I want to do in this medium. Now, after all this time observing, I can finally put everything I’ve learned to work to create some really great content for you. I hope you join me and have as much fun watching my content as I did making it.

Comments (3)

  1. Good post Karl! It shows the savings one can get from a community college – about 50% it seems. As you mentioned, it is always important though to make sure what you take will transfer to a 4 year school. Otherwise, no savings! It is especially useful for summer classes that will transfer if already in a 4 year school and you want to get out of the way, like biology, since it usually also has a time consuming lab.

  2. Great information Karl, this definitely helps many students that are considering taking classes outside and at MC. Cool background too!

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