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It can be confusing to work out what classes you still need to take in order to graduate, so this week I wanted to show you around MyMC and give a tutorial on how to figure out what classes you need on your own. I know it’s a long video this week, so stick with me–I really think you should know about the Degree Audit tool! And of course, if you can’t figure it out, you can fall back on the counselors.

Good luck getting the classes you want today!

Hi, I'm Anna, and I love running, writing, and video games. Besides vlogging for MC Voices, I also write for the MC Advocate, the Rockville student newspaper.

Comments (4)

  1. I’ve been at MC for 3 years and sometimes my little brain doesn’t feel like remembering how to sign up for classes so THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY BUTT HAHAH! Knowing how to work around applying for classes, dropping, and auditing them is very important considering some students may not like the time schedule, professor, or they simply have too much on their plate.

  2. Thank you Anna! This has been soooooo helpful. I didn’t even know we had all these tools we could use to help us figure out how to get our degree. I’m sure you are helping a lot of students who don’t always know where to go or what to do. Thank you!

  3. Great job! I personally get the hang of things now, but this is very helpful for everyone coming to MC. Thank you for sharing:)

  4. Amazing content and website, I would like to say thank you for kindly share your thoughts and wisdom, keep doing this nice job, hope to read more nice and informative articles like this one, we know how experience worths.

    Best regards

    Your follower,


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