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Karl talks about three useful and potentially unknown facts about the Rockville campus.

I am 22 years old and have been attending Montgomery College for two years now with one semester left to go before I graduate. I’ve lived in the Rockville area for 8 years and before that, another 7 years St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Before that I lived in Austria and Australia, the place of my birth.

My major is Information Systems. It used to be Computer Science, but it turned out I’m awful at math, so I switched over to something still in the general field of computing and less math intensive.

I’ve been interested in the production of entertainment as a hobby for going on 8 years now. During this time, I’ve learned a lot about what exactly I want to do in this medium. Now, after all this time observing, I can finally put everything I’ve learned to work to create some really great content for you. I hope you join me and have as much fun watching my content as I did making it.

Comments (1)

  1. It’s so cool that MC has electrical charging stations in their garage. Many places are trying to add in electrical stations since technology is improving. It’s awesome to know that MC can offer that. I knew that MC had solar panels but I didn’t know where they were! I really liked the footage of the top of the Science Center West Building. I have never been there and I may check it out myself!

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