Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

This is my last blog post for Montgomery College. It has truly been a great experience to share my experience and knowledge about MC’s resources to you. So to end off the semester, I’ll provide general information about Montgomery College.
- We have a couple of Mobile Markets left. Two more will be held on the Rockville campus; Germantown and Takoma Park/ Silver Spring both have one left.
- Remember: during finals week class times change. Last fall, I had a class that normally started at 11 AM but my final class started at 10 AM. Check out the scheduling, which I believe is currently available on Montgomery College website.
- Only a few more weeks until open gym is over. Open gym is held every Friday starting at 12 PM on the Rockville Campus. Takoma Park/ Silver Spring have open gym Tue/Thurs, starting at 1:30 PM
- This is the last week to withdraw from class, so please get it done if you have to.
- Check out our baseball, softball, and track & field team. Their seasons are currently underway. Show some Raptor Pride by attending some games.
- For Montgomery College graduating class of 2018, I hope you’ve completed your graduation evaluations. GRADUATION IS MAY 18TH.
- Registration for Summer Session I has begun. If you haven’t done so, pay off your spring balance and register for the classes you want.
-Till next time
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