Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

ยินดีต้อนรับ (yin dee dtôn ráp)
(ahlan wa sahlan) أهلاً و سهلاً
歡迎光臨 [欢迎光临] (huānyíng guānglín)
स्वागत (svāgat)
ようこそ (yōkoso)
Hoan nghênh
A new year, a new semester and a new page to begin with. Welcome to the spring semester of 2018. Whether you are a returning student or fresh on the boat, I’m excited to share this semester with you.
Last semester I started off with a quote each week, and this semester I thought I’d change it up a little bit. I, like many of you, am from another country and I speak another language, Afrikaans. I thought it would be fun to share one word with you each week and who knows, you might end up enjoying learning something you never thought of.
Some of you enjoy socializing with every person you walk past while others walk from class to class and never get to know anyone. College not only teaches you skills and knowledge, but you build social skills and sometimes meet your best friend who might be from a different country.
I encourage you to stop and smell the flowers, learn a new word from a stranger, join in on the many events the college offers from volunteer fairs to ASLP open houses and just experience college to its fullest.
Don’t forget to check out my fellow bloggers’ and vloggers’ pages and I am looking forward sharing my spring semester with you.
Enjoy this video from Mr. Bean “Back to School”
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