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Hello, My name is Kaila-Marie or you can call me Kay Mac if you prefer. This is my second year attending Montgomery College and it’s been such a wonderful experience. I have used many ways of transportation to go to school. There has been many situations where I have felt that I did not need to bring too many things or I brought too little.

In this video I wanted to make it straight to the point showing you guys what is important to me to bring to school. For some people that do not drive it’s understandable that you may not be able to fit many things in your bag, however, it is good to limit yourself to what is necessary.

I wanted to film a sit down video as my first MC series vlog so that you guys can get a better understanding of the person I am and to start a relationship. I can’t wait to film more videos for you guys! I hope you enjoyed this video. Since you’re here check out a couple of other vloggers as well as bloggers.

Keep posted with the MC Voices! Thank you


~Kaila-Marie McCullough

Hi, my name is Kaila-Marie. I am a business major and I love filming, especially when I am traveling. I am enthusiastic about traveling, going on new adventures and exploring. I enjoy being able to capture the moment while visiting a new place; it is amazing. I enjoy many sports, such as skiing, surfing, soccer, volleyball and lacrosse. My favorite sport would be skiing because it only happens once every year here in Maryland. I take advantage of our winters especially since it is short. I am very interested to play volleyball again; however, I could never find places to go except the courts by my house (which are usually occupied).

I am a very passionate person, always willing to give people 100% of my time whether it's school, work, or friendships. Being able to support others has been my nature. I enjoy giving back to the people who have been with me through my long journey of growing up. I hope my vlogs can entertain you and make you realize that community college is a great choice and that you can meet wonderful people.

Comments (12)

  1. I am so so so so with you on the snacks part! Lol I literally am on campus all day most days and if I didn’t bring my snacks I’d be constantly broke because campus food is not cheap. Thanks for the tips Kaila!

    1. Girl I feel the pain! I eat all the time and if I don’t I lose concentration and I focus more on how hungry I am. Ugh campus food is just so expensive, I mean not even just campus food but buying food in general is. Anytime girl!

  2. You ladies need to find an Aldi and stock up on snacks. They are a bargain for the college student, all of who are financially challenged. I am with both of you. I have to eat every few (couple) hours or I feel like my head is floating off my shoulders.

    1. There’s actually an Aldi in Germantown if you guys live around the area! It’s super affordable and so nice! Also, thanks so much.

  3. I loved this vlog! I am always forgetting things, or bringing too much that by the end of the day my back is dead. Looking forward to more Vlogs:)

  4. I love that we actually see each other on campus, Kaila! And shoutout to Pink Victoria’s Secret backpacks (I have one too) haha. Great video!!

  5. SNACKS!!!!!!! My life!!! And yes being organized is such an important skill to have when you are studying whether it’s in middle school or college.

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