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Current Mood: Phone Died by Louis The Child

So I missed a blog post…but now my body, mind, and spirit are back in college routine.

These past two weeks, I was able to attend a hypnosis show at the Rockville Campus, sit in on the Title XI Board Committee, and lastly, I was able to interview a close friend of mine to answer the previous questions from my last blog post:
– How has the political climate changed the lives of students a Montgomery College?
– What about those who are involved with the Dream Act?
– How does Montgomery College stand out against other community colleges?
– What are some ways, as college students, can advocate and support people of color and those being marginalized in society?

So before answering the following questions, let’s briefly identify what DACA and the Dream is and what they do. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals also known as DACA is a U.S. immigration policy that started under the Obama administration in 2012 that allowed illegal immigrants who came to the United States under the age of 16. DACA gives social security and a work permit to individuals who came to the US before 2007.

And the Dream Act was a proposed bill in 2009 that would offer a direct pathway to citizenship for undocumented citizens growing up in the United States. This bill would allow current, or future undocumented high-school graduates to pursue a higher education or participate in the armed services.

To get more information about the above policies and how it affects students at Montgomery College I sat down and interviewed a close friend of mine to answer some of my questions and provide her feedback of how Montgomery College helps those who are undocumented, the impact that has on both her academic and social life, as well the ways the college and community can be both more informed and advocate for those who are.

Kat is Montgomery College student pursing nursing and plans to transfer to the Georgetown University or the University of Maryland, College Park. She is a strong advocate for undocumented citizens by partnering with the USG admissions team to highlight the importance of higher education through speaking with several high schools. Being part of DACA, she is offered scholarships that help her pay for college. Without the financial support, she would have to pay out-of-state tuition like her counterparts in major four-year universities. But she explains that through Montgomery College, even though she does not qualify for Financial Aid, the college’s partnership with  DACA allows her to get closer to her passion and give back to her community.

As some of you may not know, Montgomery County is classified as a sanctuary county due to laxed rules and regulations concerning undocumented citizens as well as the several supportive programs and non-profits catered to those who are. Talking with Kat, Montgomery College lacks emotional support or programs catered to undocumented students. And with the political climate, this topic is something that goes unnoticed and vaguely mentioned. Montgomery College’s is praised on its diversity and inclusiveness, and the fact that some of these individuals have to hide one of the most important things that hinder both their social and academic life is something not looked at. Talking with Kat, we had discovered that college does not have a club or organisation or support system for those who are undocumented. And sometimes because of the lack of peer-support, these students often feel neglected. So with all of this being said, how can we as a college help or fellow students and faculty relieving their stress and awareness of this issue. What ways can we advocate and support our fellow students?


As always, have a great weekend and spread some positivity.



"The Glass Castle" taught me about enjoying simplicity and the true value of objects. "The Great Gatsby" shed light on money, success, greed, and friendship. And "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" conveyed the morbidity of how inevitable fate is.
My name is KeAndre Blue, but Blue is my preferred name. I adore books and I am from Bristol, England. I have been living in the United States for seven years. I have had the blessing to travel a lot during my younger years of childhood which has open my mind to different cultures, environments, and how truly magnificent the world is.
My siblings are my pride and joy. And my pet, Kohta, who's restlessness makes my day. I consider myself a free spirit who thrives on spontaneity and conquers adversity. In my down time I am either reading a book or writing poetry. But when the weekend comes, I am out with friends attending a concert, camping, taking random road trips, or occasionally visiting the museum.
I have a strong relationship with pizza, and will spend more money on food than on clothes without a second thought. I enjoy yoga and running and my music interests are mainly deep house, indie, and jazz. My main goal in life is to gain more than five hours of sleep see if I can survive on pizza alone.
I am currently pursuing my associates degree in Communication Studies and will hopefully graduate in the fall of 2017.
With all of that being said, I hope you guys enjoy my posts. And if you see me on campus say “Hello”, I would love to meet you all.

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