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And just like that, we are halfway through the semester! I hope everyone can say they did the best they could on the first half of the semester— that should leave no room for regrets. For me, taking notes of everything I’ve done right and all the things I need to change usually help me work on self-improvement to do better on the second half.

There always seems to be that one class that gets me the most worked up  (it was Math for the longest time, now i’m finally done with it!) so the second half is always where I do my “retouching” , if anything.

At the end of last semester, I made a post about how I wanted to improve my writing-reading-vocab skills. I’m up to a good start, i think. I found grammar books that I enjoyed reading (I have short attention span and i don’t always like reading :/ ) and I have been doing more writing and I am (still)  determined to do what it takes to be better at what I want to do. As an aspiring writer, I know I have to put effort into my writing. All of the great authors I have read suggested one thing: Write. Write. Write. Anything. Wherever you are. Everyday.

The truth is all great writers don’t stop after their first big hit. They keep writing. Sometimes their work gets rejected. But they keep writing.

I realized that if I want to be a good writer, I have to mean it. I have to practice then actually start somewhere. Even if it only stays in my diary.

And I can’t say “i’m not that good” when there’s no one applauding me; that is actually a good place to start asking myself why I even wanted to write in the first place. It’s always good to ask yourself these rudimentary questions.  Maybe you’ll find purpose lying somewhere in the truth which is your answer.

The same thing goes for every profession or hobby. If you want something, work for it. Practice makes perfect. And even if you think it’s perfect, still practice.

In my dance class, I have learned this: Some are BORN dancers; others are nurtured and THEN a dancer was born. Not everybody is a natural. Some people have to put in work and extra work to get to where they want to be.

Have a great and safe Spring break! It’s the perfect time to do what you love and trying new things as well 🙂




My name is Ray Ann. I grew up wanting to be a lot of things. Being a lot older now, I realize you never really grow out of those dreams.

I’m 23 years old, barely 5 ft. tall and often mistaken as a high school student. But you know what they say — good things come in small packages. Despite me being a little vertically challenged, I’m a huge basketball fan. I love fast cars and fast…food. I love the color pink and my friends’ sense of humor. I aspire to be the realistic half of my favorite female fiction characters: to be bold and fearless like Nikita, witty, intelligent and fashionable like Blair Waldorf and sweet and sassy like Cher Horowitz.

Being a blogger means a lot of things. We write about anything and everything, including our own lives. We can choose to be private or be an open book. But I hope to share only meaningful and helpful things to anyone who reads my blogs. Montgomery College will always be a big part of my life as it gave me an opportunity to find myself and discover the things I love and gave me all the more reason to be myself.

Let’s believe in each other. 

Comments (1)

  1. Ray Ann, we all are strong in something and have talents. We should make the most of them.
    However, sometimes we have a hidden talent that needs to be found! That is why it is good to experiment in different areas and not always try to improve something one thinks they SHOULD improve. As you say, there could be a hidden talent in dance, acting, cooking, art, athletics, home design, or even being on the social circuit and throwing memorable parties (knowing how to mix the right people and the right foods is a talent!). Hope you’ll have fun and experiment with something ‘out of the box’ over the break.

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