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MC Voices

I am currently freaking out. Kind of. I’m not only trying to study, but Christmas is coming (haven’t shopped),and my daughter is not sleeping.  I’m also trying (failing) to install a new operating system on a brand new laptop and it just plain isn’t working. I’m shirtless and burning up. My wife is  always cold and I run hot, which means I’m about to break out into a sweat – which means I might lose the magnesium oil slathered on my belly and in my armpits.

Wait…what? Yeah, my friend recently told me about supplementing magnesium (pretty important – look it up) through the skin in this fashion. Who’s my friend? Oh you know, just a Muay Thai powerhouse who trains pro fighters. No big deal. I will proudly add I’ve had the honor of having my nose broken by his flying knee (insert heart-eyed emoji). How’d I do it? I know you want to know. After reading my blog all semester, you’re bound to have caught some of my weirdness. Yes, it’s contagious. I got my hands on the magnesium flakes, threw them in a bowl, and added just enough hot water to melt them. The result is a beautiful oily substance, which can be applied with a spoon. Washed off after 30 minutes. Also, before bed, you can rub some on the soles of your feet, dried, then protected with socks and washed off in the morning. Sound weird? Perfect for the blog! Caprylic acid, probiotics, and bee pollen might be a good stack along with this stuff to stave off the inevitable Finals cold. It’s coming. How are you all feeling? Is it getting y’all too? You know, that sore throat, can’t think straight feeling? I’ve got the fresh turmeric, the honey, the garlic, all the goods. Let’s hope it does the trick. So somewhere in my mind there is a smoothie of cold remedies: Chi squares, V02 max formulas, and behavioral change.

I really need to get my time management under control. What are some tools you all use? I use the Pomodoro timer, and I inventory my time here and there, but I just can’t get everything organized up top they way I’d like to. Perhaps I should meditate. I’ve begun listening to the entire Led Zeppelin discography (good stuff!) from top to bottom (beginning to end?), and meditation blocks have morphed into Jimmy Page sessions. I should follow my own advice. Little things are becoming big things and big things are becoming monumental things. Ok. I’m doing it. I’m doing a few bear crawls and meditating. Wish me luck. See you all soon, and hang in there.


but i actually secretly love mondays

My name is Raul Torrento. I am a local, born in DC proper and raised in the area (Aspen Hill, Springfield, DC, Falls Church, Annandale). Music, gymnastic strength training, and Muay Thai are just a few things I enjoy. I also have a slackline and a skateboard. Those get used.

I am a lover of complete and total physical and mental exertion. Finding new ways to achieve that panting glory is what keeps me spry. Music is something I’ve always loved, since my hands first touched the congas at age 4. A father of three, I appreciate every little moment I remember to focus on – because they tend to pass by in a blur as a result of trying to keep up with them. I don’t take myself too seriously, instead I focus on the importance of my work – whether that’s practicing a tuck handstand, fine tuning an L-sit, finding a new groove on my bass, nailing a new recipe, or whipping up a classic cocktail for a complete stranger. Oh yeah – I’m a bartender too. More importantly, I am a student. Of everything. Forever.

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