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31 UNANSWERED POINTS. Okay, I am moving on to the current situation: two of three children screaming at the top of their lungs intermittently, asking to be released from the terrible punishment of bedtime. The third is dealing with it as only a seasoned veteran could. My wife is pouring over work reports, making sure every single tenth of a number fits snugly within the formula.  The dog, ageless at 14, is looking at me like she can read my thoughts. Me, I am hoping she cannot read my thoughts. Shlohmo is easing his way into my subconscious mind via his latest album, Bad Vibes: Rarities + Extras. Incense is burning and my heart rate is a steady 59 – somehow. My back kind of hurts. My feet, slathered in magnesium oil, are propped up after an intense fascia release. My brain is beginning to relax now that the writing has commenced after a deep series of Pomodoro sessions studying tissue functions and then moving into group exercise dissection.

On my mind is the unfolding of Edmond Dantes’ intricate plan for vengeance (almost done with The Count of Monte Cristo) and the amount of cardiovascular work that awaits me this week and the subsequent weeks to come. In all honesty, my previous state of cardiovascular health – sufficient to carry me through countless rounds of Muay Thai sparring – is all but a distant memory. These are the days of jogging slowly, thinking more about connective tissue than about reaching a destination – let alone reaching it in an admirably low amount of time. First things first – I need to turn this little drum into a beating fist again. When I first got into running and into shape, I was much worse off: drinking heavily, eating terribly, not sleeping, and generally treating my body as though I had a vendetta against it like Edmond Dantes had against Danglars and Fernand. If you haven’t yet, read the book 😉 (Side note: How’s about a campus-wide book club?) I made it then, and I can make it again. Being surrounded by like-minded people certainly helps. Getting graded for doing it well seals the deal. I’m definitely in the right field. Every single piece of information that comes my way is gobbled up with ferocity. Retained? That takes a little more than ferocity. That, my friends, takes tact and finesse, as I’m sure you already know. Especially for the courses I take during the day. I don’t take night courses 😀 Seriously, though, I have my work cut out for me. But that’s the way I like it. As I’ve illustrated to you in the opening sentences, nothing about my days are really easy or handed over – except knowing that I rest well that night, having made the right choice about which way to steer the boat. There is no question I’m on the right path. If you feel that way about the direction in which you’re headed, you’re golden. Don’t let anything stop you. Grow. Flourish. Sow.

My name is Raul Torrento. I am a local, born in DC proper and raised in the area (Aspen Hill, Springfield, DC, Falls Church, Annandale). Music, gymnastic strength training, and Muay Thai are just a few things I enjoy. I also have a slackline and a skateboard. Those get used.

I am a lover of complete and total physical and mental exertion. Finding new ways to achieve that panting glory is what keeps me spry. Music is something I’ve always loved, since my hands first touched the congas at age 4. A father of three, I appreciate every little moment I remember to focus on – because they tend to pass by in a blur as a result of trying to keep up with them. I don’t take myself too seriously, instead I focus on the importance of my work – whether that’s practicing a tuck handstand, fine tuning an L-sit, finding a new groove on my bass, nailing a new recipe, or whipping up a classic cocktail for a complete stranger. Oh yeah – I’m a bartender too. More importantly, I am a student. Of everything. Forever.

Comments (2)

  1. Hi Raul, great idea about a Book Club! I honestly do not know if there is one, but if you can manage the time, it is a terrific way to meet an intimate group of students who share the same reading interest and probably become friends for life! It’s also one of those clubs that can meet anywhere – on campus or in a Panera, etc. I think most meet once a month for a couple hours and some do team activities. I found the contact online below. Mr. Melgosa can tell you if this club exists or what you need to do to start one of your own:

    For more information about the Club Program, please contact Mr. Val Melgosa, Student Life Specialist for the Club Program, by calling 240-567-5092, 240.567.7181, or email, or visit the Student Life Office located in the Campus Center, Room 005.

    Great suggestion!

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