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What is MC Voices?

MC Voices is a place for students to be the face and voice of Montgomery College marketing.

Each year, we select a diverse group of students to become the MC Voices of MC. These individuals make up the heart and soul of our community, demonstrating both school spirit and academic excellence. Their varied experiences and unique perspectives provide a vibrant glimpse into our dynamic community, showcasing all that MC has to offer from clubs to classes.

How can you participate?

There are two levels to MC Voices.

The first level is a one-day commitment to a photo/video shoot in which students are interviewed about their MC experience.

The second level, in addition to the photo/video shoot and interview, students are required to post on social media throughout the year about their MC experience. This is a weekly commitment for the academic year. Students will also be asked to write a monthly blog post (150-200 words) about their MC experience.

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